Monday, August 19, 2019

No compres tu casa sin antes hacerle una inspeccion

Cuando estas comprando una casa es muy importante saber la condicion de la propiedad, y la mejor forma de poderlo hacer es haciendo una inspeccion mas detallada, aca en california por ley tienes derecho a contratar a una compania para que te inspeccione la casa si asi lo deceas, Lo unico que te recomiendo es que tan pronto te acepten una oferta habla con tu agente para programar la inspeccion con la compania de tu preferencia.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Owning your own home is one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever enjoy. But how much you know about the buying process? Who you choose to help you can save you from unnecessary headaches and unforeseen hassles. There are many aspects of the home buying process that require explanation and the more you know, the better position you will be in when it’s time to sign papers, many of these things may have changed. This is where I come in—offering the guidance, information and assistance that only a qualified real estate professional can provide. And because I stay on top of all the latest real estate laws and regulations, you can rest assured that you are always getting the expert advice and service you deserve. I can also help you team up with a proven financial expert to put the best loan package together—for you. When you have a dedicated team working together on a planned strategy, chances are you’ll be moving into your dream home sooner than you might imagine. I look forward to helping you achieve success with this major milestone in your life. visit it would be a pleasure to work for you. !!

Homes for Sale in Redlands, San Bernardino, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Rialto visit my website and see whats available.